Rabu, 25 April 2018

gamis bahan waffle Rina

gamis bahan waffle Rina
 untuk detail produk ini kunjungi website kami di SINI

model gamis kain wafel ini sangat cocok untuk sahabat yang aktif.  

adapun ukuran gamis kain wafel ini adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Panjang Badan = 137 Cm (tipe sedang)
  • Lingkar Dada = 96 Cm
  • Lebar Rok 300 Cm
  • Tanpa Pashmina
  • Berat produk ini : 500 gram/pcs
  • Harga Konsumen = Rp. 161.500,-.
Bila sahabat ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang gamis wafel terbaru ini, klik di SINI YA

Minggu, 22 April 2018

Rok Celana HIjab


- Rok sekaligus celana panjang
- Rok belah samping kanan-kiri
- Pinggang berkaret dan bertali
- Terdapat saku di samping kanan
- Bahan Wolly Crepe
- Cocok untuk aktivitas di rumah maupun diluar rumah yang memerlukan banyak gerak

rok celana hijab


Size M
Lingkar pinggang normal - melar maksimal 54 - 110 cm
Panjang/ Tinggi 91 cm
Size L
Lingkar pinggang normal - melar maksimal 56 - 112 cm
Panjang/ Tinggi 93 cm
Size XL
Lingkar pinggang normal - melar maksimal 58 - 114 cm
Panjang/ Tinggi 95 cm


  1. Hitam
  2. Biru dongker
  3. Peach
  4. Hijau army

Yuk koleksi semua warnanya ukhti..
NB: Silahkan sertakan pilihan alternative minimal 2 diluar yang dipilih, agar bila stok kosong proses bias lebih cepat.

Gamis vena koleksi Lai Nalini


...it lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow forth(of it self), though no fire touched it...(QS An-Nur: 35)

Olive is a small tree perennial plants and evergreen.
The immature fruit can be eaten raw or after preserved can be used as a refresher. The old one will squeeze and the oil extracted be olive oil which can be used for a variety of purpose.

Olive oil is not oil carelessly, from Allah SWT and His  Prophet SAW has been mentioned many times the particulars of this olive oil. There is a special content in the oil.

Behind those privileges of olive there must be a farmers who work hard to care and to maintenance the plant. It described they wore a simple outfit mix with the 80's style and post mo and thus inspired Rosie Rahmadi to present 12 outfits modest ready to wear with a feminine dress as a characteristic to emphasize a beauty displayed through simplicity concept, suitable for a feminine and elegant individual but not overdo. Through material used such as a cotton, a linen, a satin, a polyester, an organza, a brocade and a tulle.

gamis lai nalini

This collection going to use a colours that represent a series of rain events that loosen the soil then seed planting and finally become a verdant olive groves.

Generally used an A-line silhouette with a style the 80's and post mo, equipped with a hat as a protection from the sun and a long hoods dangled describing the beauty of olive.

In this collection the details used is a handmade in a form of olive fruit made from an organza material then pressed to form a circles, beside that there is also a mixed material to produce the particular texture into the overall picture of inspiration.

gamis bahan waffle Rina

 untuk detail produk ini kunjungi website kami di SINI model gamis kain wafel ini sangat cocok untuk sahabat yang aktif.   adapun u...